Monday, February 11, 2008

The Monday Update, First Edition

Currently Reading:

Fiction: “The Turn of the Screw” by Henry James. I have been thinking all this time that the read of the story has been hard to follow, but I do believe at least half of the problem is that every time I’ve sat down to read it, I end up doing it in a common room of the house or in the car, which is just as common as anywhere else. I’ve barely had any peace and quiet since I’ve started it. Other reasons include it being hard to switch from Dickens to James, regardless if they were from about the same generation and the same area of the world. James writes well enough from a woman’s perspective. However, his particular character that is his main character is a little annoying in that she jumps to conclusions far too quickly and without much evidence. However, I know her conclusions are what is actually going on, only because James would only have her relay these things to the reader if they added to the formulation of the whole story of the ghosts and things like that. But it’s kind of annoying, because the reader (me) doesn’t get to figure anything out for herself (myself). She (I) just have to sit by and read the conclusions which the main character comes up with. Understand what I mean? And, if any one of you out there has ever read this story or anything else by Henry James (this is my first time reading anything of his), please feel free to express your opinion on his writing.
How-To: GRRR. A book about dealing with dog aggression issues, which our family has recently had problems with because we’ve been to busy to remind Nancy what is right and wrong.
Godish Book: Quest for Love by Elizabeth Elliot. It is helping my whole outlook on guys and dating stuff, as did Passion and Purity.

Various and Sundry Media:

Movie(s) recently watched: Nicholas Nickleby, and a tiny bit of the fourth Harry Potter movie.
Favorite Song of Late: “Roundabout” by Yes
Song I would recommend for myself in regards to my current mood if I were a Music Therapist: “Take Me to the Other Side” (or whatever it’s called) by Aerosmith. Or any hard rock by Aerosmith, or Motley Crue. I’ve been in a slump since Thursday, I think, and only hard rock gets me out of slumps.

Life in General:

Best or Most Astounding thing that Happened Last Week: Allison knows…tee-hee. Anything else? Well, I declared myself ruler over Platinum Lane, and everyone else shall now do my bidding.
Random Bible Verse of Great Meaning: “And unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord’s affairs: Her air is o be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world-how she can please her husband.” 1 Corinthians 7:34. I’m just going to go ahead and take it that Paul means that married women can continue to worship God. He just probably means to say that before marriage, women should be devoted to Christ alone, and not to some other guy some where, and after marriage, wives can devote themselves to their husbands (not before) in a way that honors God. Again, any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated
Meal of the Week: Well, I’ve just been pigging out on chocolate (oh joy) for the past interval-after-the-meet-and-even-before-that-(whoops), so I’d have to say that my meal of the week is a chocolate soufflé with a chocolate shavings salad topped with chocolate syrup dressing, with brownies on the side and chocolate cake-bread. Oh, and for dessert I’ll take a chocolate éclair.
What I am inspired to do now: Hibernate. Please.



Allie said...

Aww! Why have you been in a slump?? :(

"Allison knows…tee-hee." Haha. Yep, I do. :)

And that chocolate meal is almost about a chocolate overload! Did you actually consume that??

Jessica said...

No, sorry to dissapoint.

Marck said...

you told me to come to your blog, so i did and left thins comment!


Lizzie said...

I can't fathom why you would tease those of us who aren't Allison by saying that Allison knows something we don't..... *sniff* Unless you want me to ask, which I'm getting ready to do. But I doubt you'll tell, since if you would you would have just posted it instead of the vague "Allison knows."

What was the "Best or Most Astounding thing that Happened Last Week"? :P

blackhawk said...


Jessica said...

Sorry I haven't told you. I just think it's a little outrageous to put in a blog. Ask me tomorrow at swim practicea and maybe I could tell you...

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