Thursday, October 30, 2008


"Don't try to do anything about this. Don't try to make anything happen. Surrender all of your confusion to me and rest assured I will bring you peace. Can't you see I am God? Nothing is impossible with me or in me. It is only when you attempt to do things without me that those things become impossible."

But I'm not trying to do it without you! I want what you want in my life!

"You do not realize it, but you are trying to do it without me. You are worrying too much about who I've chosen for you and how your romantic life is going to happen. In doing that you contradict yourself because you always end up trying to solve the questions and uncertainties yourself now, and you aren't letting me take over and work my wonders on my time......"

YOUR time?? You have all of eternity, and I only have 100 years!

"Don't you think I've carefully thought out your 100 years on earth? Besides, it is not about how your earthly life will turn is how your life will turn out for all the rest of your eternity."

*grumble* I know....

"Now, surrender it all. Be completely honest with me and yourself. When has giving it all to me hurt you before? Something as simple as getting lost in the tried to find your own way back and you couldn't. But once you put your face down, didn't strain to look ahead and let me lead you home, you got there quickly. Why can't you have that faith in all areas of your life?"


Chris said...

I'm lost... :(

Jessica said...

Sorry... :( It's a conversation I had with God a few days ago.

My name is Elizabeth, said...

I like this a lot.

Michelle said...

"When has giving it all to me hurt you before?"

hmm....I think it can hurt ALOT, giving our all to God. He never promises that if we trust in him and rely on him comletely that we're not going to have the same problems everyone else has. I mean, think about Paul! He was definately hurt alot. And he could certainly have blamed God for that.

But I really like this post....because it's about trusting in God even when we don't understand. Lamentations 3 has been so encouraging to me lately, because the whole chapter is about how the author HAS been hurt, and it seems abandoned by God. But he ends up, after remembering his pain, by saying:

"Yet this I call to mind
and therefore I have hope:

Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.

They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.

I say to myself, "The LORD is my portion;
therefore I will wait for him."

So it's not that giving our all to God isn't gonna hurt, because it will. But it's that amidst that pain there is the promise of his compassion; not that there will be no more darkness, but that in the darkness there will hope of a brighter day....which, unfortunately, will not come when we are here on earth....but it's what will get us through this earth! Like what Sam Gamgee said in the two towers.....I have that quote somewhere on my blog:)

This just something I'm thinking about lately, sorry to go on so long! That's the only thing I was wondering about, but this post was very encouraging to me! Keep writing! And I miss you, by the way:(

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