Friday, October 3, 2008

A Different Song

Love stopping the magic
Of the day slipping by
You’re not the one for me
Is that something I can accept?

The time ticking by
Ruining the meter
Of the song we once sang
Is that something permanent?

Ever willing to hope
For your return
The fire burning
Flames licking my heart

I cannot feel any love
But the love I imagine
Can I go on
Write a new song

A melody devoid of emotions
No feelings as I once had
Channeling my senses
Into someone else

But will that someone
Do me the same as you did
Can I go on and sing my song
Loud and appassionato

You cannot see
How much you meant to me
And I won’t tell
How much you’ve made my life hell

But I’ll paint a picture
I’ll write a new song
Take off my shoes
Walk away



Anja said...

Wow I love that poem! did you write it?

Jessica said...

Yes I did...sometime last summer. Thanks! :)

Olivia Joy said...

Wow if I could write poetry this is the way I would write the last relationship I was in....It's so weird cause it's like you were able to put into exact words all the jumbled thoughts that have been running through my mind ever since I broke up with my boyfriend.

Jessica said...

Olivia...*scolds harshly* CAN write poetry!! But a lot of the times poets need other poets to say what they are thinking. :)

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I have so many thoughts and emotions running through my mind that I think it might explode! Yet when I begin to scribble furiously it's like nothing makes sense at all. All those thoughts and emotions come out, but in a jumbled two page mess of hurt, anger, joy, love etc.

It just never makes sense.

Anonymous said...

I understand how you feel because I get that way when I try to draw. I like drawing and occasionally something nice-looking comes out if I'm looking at what I want to draw, but if I just have this image in my head, it never turns out the way I want it to in my's just a big bunch of scribbles. I guess poetry just comes more naturally. Sometimes I'll just vent my frustrations in verse. That sounds kind of weird, but everything just comes out that way.

I do get some sort of writer's block a lot and then I can't write anything, and that is extremely frustrating because I don't know how to say how I'm feeling!

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