Monday, April 7, 2008

What is and what should never be

Hello everyone! Sorry for not writing in a while. You see, the truth is that for once in my life, I don’t really feel like saying anything. That’s right. I am full of white fluff and nothing else. My mind is blank. I am quite apathetic, and do not really feel like having an opinion.

I simply wish to exist in existence for once.

Ignorance is bliss, I tell you. Why would I want to care if the government wishes to blow us all into a million pieces? You know, if it happens, it happens. There’s nothing I can really do to prevent it, so why should I seriously care about anything directly related to it? Why don’t I just make the most of my time here on earth before we all blow up? A plus is that there is always heaven to look forward to.

Having grown up as myself in my own little world (thankfully as nobody and nowhere else), it only seems that in the past two or three years I’ve been exposed to all these things that I think surely I could have gotten along without just fine. I’m not talking about R-rated movies or friends who cuss all the live long day, but about government conspiracies or strange Christianity theories.

What ever happened to just being able to live life day-by-day, knowing things as they are—we have a God who created the world and who sent his son Jesus to die on the cross. That’s really all there is to it. Sure, there are other things which are nice to pay attention to, but if you don’t, it’s not as if you’re missing out completely. So, it’s one thing to know that some people don’t believe in God and that some people do but they believe in God differently. It’s another thing altogether to begin to comprehend all the crazy theories Christians come up with. Things like “Theistic Evolution”…you know, when it all comes down, it doesn’t really matter how long it took God to make the earth. Lots of people, I guess, like to brag on God and how wonderfully powerful he was that he made the world in six days and rested on the seventh. There’s nothing wrong with that, actually. And if some people believe that each “day” was really an “age”, and so it took what is really millions of years, that is fine with me, too. But, please, let’s not get in a heated debate about it! It’s not a matter of life and death.

Let me say this: We don’t know anything. We won’t until we go to heaven and see God and ask him personally. So until then, let’s stop making all these bloody theories, and spend this precious time here on earth devoting ourselves to worthwhile thoughts that might make a difference in somebody’s day. Make breakfast-in-bed, I say! (it rhymes!)

Lately I’ve been quite concerned with making sure everything I do seems wholesome. I suppose that, to a degree, watching “Mythbusters” on the discovery channel would be considered more wholesome—as it is mildly educational—than reading Pride and Prejudice. However, I suppose you could say that “Mythbusters” only promotes the vocabulary of “I like big booms” and “WHOA!!!” while Jane Austen’s extensive vocabulary shines through her work much more vibrantly. Well, again with debating everything. Anyway, the point of that is I now more than ever prefer reading to watching TV, and because of that I am behind on my Dog Whisperer watchings by three weeks, gosh darn it. The plus side is that I actually end up going through most of the library books I check out pretty thoroughly, unlike my usual skim of one or two and possible actual reading of one, out of the ten or so average.

That above paragraph fits in…how? Because I’d rather spend my time doing _____ than worrying about government bomb plots or strange theories:

Ice Skating
Walking my dog
Playing an instrument
Working to make money
Doing chores
Talking with friends
Listening to music
Driving anywhere
Going on vacation
Watching the Travel Channel (which isn’t on standard cable anymore…BOOOOO!!!!!!)
Going to a concert
Having sleepovers
Doing school (shocker, huh?)
Texting random people
Drinking tea and coffee
Taking Tylenol to get rid of this stupid headache

Feel free to add on anything I may have forgotten. Did I mention reading? Yeah, well…there you have it. I shall take my leave now as I have some important research to attend to (very wholesome).

So long!


Lizzie said...

Sorry.... I'll try not to talk about it anymore after this post. I just want to bring up a question that I've been thinking of.

If all that conspiracy theory stuff is true, then shouldn't everyone know about it? Imagine if it's true about the government, and our whole country believed it and rebelled against the government. Maybe we could even get America back to what it was: a free Christian country. No matter what we think, we are not a free country anymore. Just think about taxes, and the banning of homeschooling in CA for example.

I don't enjoy thinking about it either. I wish I could justify just ignoring it and believing whatever I want. I might be taking this verse out of context, but being "as wise as serpents and harmless as doves" doesn't seem to imply ignorance.

Allie said...

Ok, IF it is true, then yes, we should know. However, the opposition to the theory is WAY more than the "facts" that support it. But consider the facts for a minute. A national rebellion would be horrible. The military is controlled by our government. Without military backing, what's to stop this from being another Civil War? It would cost us tons of money and put us in more debt than we could possibly handle. No, we are not an entirely free country. But is there any country that is freer than ours? No. (ok, so Australia or something might be, but besides that, no).

Lizzie said...

Naturally, I meant that a "whole country" rebellion would include our military as well. Anyway, I want another Civil War.

Frankly, I don't think it matters if this conspiracy theory stuff is true. We already have enough proof that our government is corrupt to justify a rebellion. Or simply leaving... that deserted island is looking better and better.

Michelle said...

forgive my blissful ignorance, but what government conspiracy theory are we talking about here?

lizzie- why do you want another civil war? (I'm not agreeing or disagreeing- just curious!)

Jessica- Well said. I'm not sure I agree completely with all you said (takes me awhile to think it all through!), but I do know that people, often Christians worst of all, spend so much energy arguing about petty theories which may be important but aren't the gospel- and in disputing so ungraciously about them, how will people know that God is love?

I know there are many non-christians who are more loving and gracious and sincere than alot of christians.....

But that doesn't mean the truth is not important, and I can't agree with the beatles who said, "all you need is love", because love won't get you into heaven.....why did God send his son to die if love and being good was enough?

sorry to go on so long....still thinking it through! Thanks for writing about this- good stuff!

Anonymous said...

I'd explain the theories, but Allison says it so well in her latest blog entry...

Lizzie said...

Michelle: I want another Civil War because I believe the South was right in trying to succeed from the Union. We have a very scary Union if you can join, but they'd rather kill you than let you leave.

The national government is way too powerful. I almost don't think it's possible to have a big government that is actually nice. The bigger the government gets, it seems, the worse it is, and the more the people who are running it are corrupted.

But, if you believe the Civil War was over slavery, than obviously it would be rather pointless.... all Americans are slaves now. And they don't even believe it.

Allie said...

(Jess, sorry this is turning into a debate)

"all Americans are slaves now. And they don't even believe it. "

I totally disagree with this. We aren't slaves. We have the freedom to leave the United States if we so choose. We have many, many freedoms that most countries do not have.

United implies complete unity. While I do agree with you that states should have the right to succeed if they so chose, the beauty of the United States is that it is a unified country. We aren't separated into multiple communities and "mini-nations".

Lizzie said...

Yeah, we can leave. Black slaves on plantations could also leave. Many of them successfully ran away. Did that make them less of a slave? The reason we are slaves is not because we can't leave, but because to become free we must leave. Right now, we are forcefully compelled to surrender taxes on almost everything. They're planning to tax the AIR WE BREATHE! But sure, we can leave. Someday I'm sure, we'll get so fed up that we will. And once too many of us start leaving, they'll keep us from leaving.

Yes, United "implies" unity. That does not mean to say that succeeded states couldn't have been united. If the Union had freely allowed us to leave, we would have still been united. Because we wanted to be. Which would have been a tighter bond than the chains that hold us so tightly together now that no one can move.

Allie said...

No, slaves on a plantation could not leave. They could run away. But they could not freely leave without risking repercussions. Even after they reached the north, they still had to be afraid of slave catchers crossing the border. We can freely leave, and the government isn't gonna send dogs and slave catchers after us. And no, they won't keep us from leaving. We do NOT live in a communist country., yeah, they do tax way more than ever should be taxed. Our entire nation is in a lot of debt right now. We are actually getting financial backing from the Middle East since we don't have the money to afford anything. Taxes do need to be lowered. But disobeying our laws by tax evasion is not the way to go about it. The only way that would ever work is if you got almost everyone in America to protest, and that isn't likely to happen.

You mentioned earlier that "I almost don't think it's possible to have a big government that is actually nice." What size government would be nice? Any united body would have had problems. If the south had successfully formed a union of their own, what would have stopped division among that union? The states closest to the north were not nearly as enthusiastic about this as the deep southern states.

Also, what do you mean by "the chains that hold us so tightly together now that no one can move."? We still have many, many freedoms. Way more than most countries if you think about it. Sure, that could change. But as it stands, we are still a free country.

Lemme also say that I wish the South had won the war. We needed, and still do need, states rights. But to break off from the union at this time would not be a great idea. How would borders be handled? Would you have to have a pass to cross "mini-nations" or whatever you call them? What if states got caught in the middle? There's a lot to think about.

Allie said...

Ok, so that was really, really long...sorry. :)

Anonymous said...

That's fine. I don't mind debates. They're very interesting. All I can say on the matter is that whomever power is given to, aside from God, is probably going to take it too far somehow or another. As they say, "power corrupts". It's not just that way in the government. Churches have leaders that go a bit haywire every once and a while. And once somebody gets a taste of power, of course they are not just going to be content where they are--they want more. It's addictive. It's the wisest people who don't even accept a position of any sort of power in the first place, not because they feel incompetent, but because they know that they will probably turn into a power-hungry monster.

Michelle said...

you said:

"It's the wisest people who don't even accept a position of any sort of power in the first place, not because they feel incompetent, but because they know that they will probably turn into a power-hungry monster."

If all the wisest people turned down positions of power, that means only the foolish people who were corrupt in the first place would be the ones with the power. Though it isn't uncommon, I don't think every one who enters power wisely and sincerely will turn into a power-hungry monster.

There is much truth in what you said, though, and I think it is very hard for people in power to stay honest and un-corrupted. Only I do wish more people would try.

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