Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I am very cold.

I am.  And I have reason to be.  After all, there happens to still be snow on the ground.  Sure, most of it has melted, but it is still cold outside.  I hate it.  

The weather people keep pushing the day when it finally gets in the 70s further and further away.  The day before yesterday it was Thursday, yesterday they said it would be Friday, and today they say it's going to be Saturday.  My wager is that they are just guessing as usual.  All this modern-day science and all those computers just to guess.  I think it's useless; almanacs in the 1800s were surely more acurate, not that I know much about them.  

I get cold WAY too easily.  I don't know what it is about me.  Yesterday I was reading about the symptoms of shock and I had to laugh for a moment because it seems as though I have about half of them all the time: reduced alterness (I'm very "out of it" in the area of paying attention), confusion (I get confused a lot), and cold, pale skin.  Of course, I don't consistently have general weakness, unconsciousness, or shallow, irregular breathing (although sometimes I do hold my breath for long periods of time, slowly letting it out, and then taking another deep breath and holding it, but that is just a weird swimming habit I seem to have).  

That said, I am freezing.  I really hope to marry somebody who is warm natured so he can keep me warm, but not too warm natured that he keeps the thermostat in the mid 60s.  During the day our thermostat is set to 68, and that is just too cold for me to be comfortable.  At night it is 66, which is even worse.  Thankfully I have my heating blanket which I always set on high, and on top of that I have another thick, wooly blanket, and then I have my big, thick comforter.  At night I roll myself up into a little cacoon with my head sticking out and sleep quite comfortably.  It is even nicer when my dog sleeps in my bed, because she'll usually snuggle up and keep me warm as well.  

I like to take showers when it is cold, because the hot water feels good, but when I get out...well, my hair is all wet, and takes forever to dry.  Plus, it gets on my clothes and gets them wet.  If I put my hair up it never dries completely.  It's worse at night, when it is colder, although if I get to use the hairdryer, then I feel better.  I also hate washing my face at night in the winter, because I have to splash cold water on my cold face and I feel very cold.  :(

And then I go to swim practice and it is always MUCH colder when it is cold outside, even though the water is supposedly the same temperature and the pool is inside.  And we have to swim in the cold pool, too, even though the warm pool is just as available.  And I freeze and freeze and freeze and freeze.  

Next winter I'm flying south and not coming back.  Don't miss me too much.



N said...

I'm cold too. :( And yeah, we have the same thermostat issue...sure we're saving money on the heating bill, but I happen to get cold easily!!! :P And 68 is NOT warm enough unless I'm moving around doing things.

Anonymous said...

I have been so cold lately too! But it isn't *actually* any colder than usual. I used to be okay during winter in Chicago...I'm not sure what happened. I seem to get colder every year :P

Jonathan David Page said...

I like the cold — but then again that's just me...

Cold air. Cold pools are another matter entirely.

Lizzie said...

I'm just sick of being cold! This is what I dream about in the summer, but I always hate it when it's here. I've finally come to a decision though: Being cold is definitely worse than being hot.

Jessica said...

I never dream about being cold in the summer. I am perfectly contented with hot weather. :D

Jonathan David Page said...

Ugh, I don't like hot weather... but we may have clashed on that point before. :)

Jessica said...

Yeah, something about spring time and pirate ships....or has my memory gotten things mixed up?

Jonathan David Page said...

I'm not sure about the pirate ships... Kor's proposed long-term boat ride?

Abby♥ said...
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Abby♥ said...

sorry I didn't think the last comment made any sense. Anyways, I am actually very hot right now. for one thing, it is 64 degrees here, and for another, I have 2 long sleeved shirts on. But- I have been pretty cold lately too. I understand! But for now, I am just thinking up going to change into a tee and shorts.

Jessica said...

In 64 degrees?? *shivers at the thought*

Yeah, Jos....that must have come from the boat trip, and then somehow I think on the comments for the boat trip we started talking about the weather or SOMEthing.

N said...

What I find weird is that it's so psychological...if it was 68 degrees outside I'd probably be hot, but 68 degrees inside and cold outside, I'm cold.

I hate summer heat though...I'm NOT happy in the summer. I like spring and fall best...and I figure with cold you can always put more layers on anyway.

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